Netflix began its anti-password sharing campaign in india in July of last year, aimed at users who shared their accounts with people outside of their homes. Disney+Hotstar is now doing the same. Disney CEO Bob Iger declared that in an effort to increase its subscriber base, the company would start strictly enforcing password sharing in September.
During an earnings call, Bob Iger disclosed this strategy and said that the crackdown will be carried out "in earnest." Disney had made references to such actions earlier in the year, informing customers that paid sharing alternatives will be available beginning in February. Disney has not confirmed that these plans would be available in the US or disclosed any information on their price, despite the fact that they were unveiled in a few other countries in June. Soon, the organisation hopes to provide these alternatives to other areas.

Netflix, in contrast, charges about Rs 670 for each extra user on a shared membership. Bob Iger stated that Disney has not heard any complaints about its sponsored sharing alerts or continuous attempts. Disney also intends to increase the cost of Hulu, ESPN Plus, and Disney Plus subscriptions beginning in October. Bob Iger is certain that new services like handpicked playlists and ABC news Live will make the price increase worthwhile.

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