Committee Kurrollu tells the tale of a group of village friends as they grow from young children to married people. The fundamental plot of the film is around the political and dramatic changes in their immediate environment as well as the changes in their relationships. The underlying subject is how the pals break up and whether or not they get back together.
Up to sixteen faces, most of them are fresh, appear in the film. The finest part is that every player precisely matches the description of the role they are expected to play. sandeep Saroj portrays the peacemaker who always seeks to mediate disputes. In the end, he receives the majority and is fine. But the roles that stick in your memory the most belong to prasad Behara and Trinadha Varma. In every scene that he appears in, the latter steals the spotlight. Trinadha has a very touching sequence in which he is alright. The remaining performers, including eshwar Rachiraju and Yeshwant Pendyala, do a respectable job in their parts.

The last act sees Committee Kurrollu faltering. The story loses appeal when Subbu and all of the companions' emotional journeys come to a conclusion. Even the resolution—which involves Sattayya's arrival in Jathara—feels a little straightforward. The film is unduly extended with the dull concepts of elections and campaigning, when it should have ended with an emotional finale followed by Jathara before the audience leaves the theatre.

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