Bollywood stars like Shah Rukh Khan, ajay Devgan, and akshay kumar have all been featured in advertisements for paan masala. Even a large number of well-known indian cricket players don't hesitate to promote cigarettes and alcohol. These individuals are meant to serve as our role models, yet they support dangerous goods that have the potential to develop into viscous addictions.
Numerous celebrities have been spotted endorsing gutka, paan masala, tobacco, alcohol, and gambling in the past. john abraham called out celebrities who encourage unhealthy lifestyles and sold death in a recent podcast with Ranveer Allahabadia. He highlighted that rather than being a hypocrite, one should live an honest life and practise what one preaches. On social media, many celebrities present themselves as leading healthy lives, but in actuality, they promote extremely risky things that they don't use themselves but encourage their followers to do so.
John Abraham is well-known for encouraging a healthy lifestyle and being obsessed with exercise. He has previously been seen in advertisements for face washes, motor lubricants, and plant-based beverages, but he has always maintained his position that he will never advocate for pan masala, tobacco, or alcohol. On July 4th, large screens around the country will screen john Abraham's Vedaa. With Satyamev Jayate, Batla House, and Force, his attendance at the box office on this patriotic day with a film with a similar subject has become legendary. We still haven't seen how much support supporters provide this initiative. We hope that A-list celebrities who heedlessly chase money may take note of his lessons in the interim.


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