Actor Keerthy Suresh, winner of the National Award, is presently occupied with promoting raghu Thatha, her forthcoming tamil film, which is being directed by suman Kumar, writer of The Family Man. Keerthy talked candidly about her huge bollywood debut with Baby john in an interview with Galatta Plus. Baby john, a remake of Theri that marks the first joint venture between Vijay and filmmaker Atlee, is helmed by Kalees and features varun dhawan as the title character.

Keerthy discussed the modifications made to Baby john, taking over for samantha Ruth Prabhu from the original. "Samantha performed Theri with such ease and such a wonderful persona. Making a remake is usually unsettling, but in the case of Baby john, the figure has been masterfully rendered, so I am not afraid.

Keerthy said, "It has been portrayed really well, and the part has come out really well too. We've talked about the changes in Baby John. In actuality, the narrative and all of its details are identical. However, the original will be released eight years after the remake. Therefore, adjustments have been made to account for the time and space. Furthermore, what actually functions well in tamil may not translate to Hindi. Thus, such modifications have also been made.

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