The actors sobhita dhulipala and naga chaitanya recently got engaged. Astrologer venu Swamy foresaw their union a day after they announced their engagement. venu Swamy said in a video released on friday that the couple's compatibility will soon be questioned. By 2027, he said, "a woman will cause trouble in their marriage."
When samantha Ruth Prabhu and chaitanya got engaged years ago, venu Swamy was the first to predict their divorce. In addition, venu Swamy made additional forecasts that seriously disrupted the motion picture business. In light of venu Swamy's disparaging remarks regarding naga chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala's engagement, YJ Rambabu, the general secretary of the telugu Film Journalists Association (TFJA) and the telugu Film wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>digital media Association (TFDMA), announced that the associations have chosen to lodge a police complaint against the latter.
The targets of this case are venu Swamy and other individuals who have shared offensive remarks and false information on social media. This proactive strategy aims to preserve the integrity and dignity of those working in the industry while also preventing the spread of damaging internet information. By taking this action, TFJA and TFDMA intend to set a standard for responsibility and encourage a more secure online environment for all. Additionally, internet users are advising against making venu Swamy a rival to Big Brother.We'll observe how the host of the show, Nagarjuna, responds to the situation.
When samantha Ruth Prabhu and chaitanya got engaged years ago, venu Swamy was the first to predict their divorce. In addition, venu Swamy made additional forecasts that seriously disrupted the motion picture business. In light of venu Swamy's disparaging remarks regarding naga chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala's engagement, YJ Rambabu, the general secretary of the telugu Film Journalists Association (TFJA) and the telugu Film wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>digital media Association (TFDMA), announced that the associations have chosen to lodge a police complaint against the latter.
The targets of this case are venu Swamy and other individuals who have shared offensive remarks and false information on social media. This proactive strategy aims to preserve the integrity and dignity of those working in the industry while also preventing the spread of damaging internet information. By taking this action, TFJA and TFDMA intend to set a standard for responsibility and encourage a more secure online environment for all. Additionally, internet users are advising against making venu Swamy a rival to Big Brother.We'll observe how the host of the show, Nagarjuna, responds to the situation.