A lady discovered a concealed camera in the women's lavatory of the well-known coffee shop 'Third Wave', leading the Sadashivanagar police in Bengaluru, Karnataka, to detain one of its employees. The employee who was detained, Manoj, is a Bengaluru resident of Guttahalli, according to the police.
The police informed Deccan Herald, "Manoj had been working at the 'Third Wave' outlet located on the BEL road for the last six months." According to the authorities, his employer fired him when the event became public.

Additionally, the police announced that they were still looking into the situation.
A post on the social networking site instagram revealed the event.
On Saturday, siddharth (@SidKeVichaar) shared a screenshot of a tale on instagram from a woman going by the pseudonym "gangsofcinepur."
“I was at a @thirdwavecoffeeindia outlet in Bengaluru this morning, and this is what happened: A woman found a phone in the washroom, hidden in the dustbin, with video recording on for about 2 hours, facing the toilet seat. It was on flight mode so that it makes no sound, and was carefully hidden in the dustbin bag which had a hole made in it so that only the camera is exposed,” the Instragram story read.

“It was quickly found that the phone belongs to one of the men working there. The police was called and they arrived soon enough, and action is being taken", it further added.

The woman went on to urge people to be 'vigilant' while using washrooms in public outlets.

"This was so horrific to witness. I will be vigilant at any washroom from now on, no matter how well-known the chain of cafe or restaurant is. And I request all of you to do the same. This is absolutely disgusting", the woman wrote.

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