The much awaited stree 2 sequel starring Shraddha Kapoor is expected to revitalise Bollywood. Excitement is already high as the movie's advance sales have just started. Today marked the beginning of advance reservations, and the reaction has been fantastic. More than 32,000 tickets had been sold on the first day alone by 9 PM on Saturday. With only four days till the premiere, national chains should likely see 2.5 to 3 lakh tickets sold, easily making it the year's best performer.

As of 11 PM on Saturday, ticket sales in major national chains are as follows: 
– PVR + Inox: 24,500 
– Cinepolis: 7,500

It appears like stree 2 is the much-needed hit following a run of underwhelming box office results in recent months. The movie is scheduled to compete alongside john Abraham's Vedaa and Akshay Kumar's Khel Khel Mein, but early momentum indicates stree 2 will probably surpass both. The film is generating more interest than anticipated and may perhaps exceed everyone's expectations.
Reaching 2 lakh tickets at major chains looks practically inevitable with five more days of advance booking, and it may go even higher. Given that the christmas season is expected to enhance collections, this impressive start suggests that stree 2 will probably have the most advance sales and the biggest launch day of the year.

The business is greatly boosted by this response, which guarantees that at least one movie will perform well at the box office. It will also be difficult for the other two titles to acquire adequate screen time given stree 2's huge advance sales. At the box office, it appears that one actress—Shraddha Kapoor—will outperform two major heroes.

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