On august 15, 2024, the ravi teja film Mr Bachchan is scheduled to hit theaters. telugu actress Bhagyashri Borse will be making her telugu film debut in the film. The actress has now revealed that she was not even given a complete script for the film. The actress stated in an interview that "Director harish shankar only provided me with an outline of the story and asked me to trust him blindly," according to a report by 123 Telugu.
The actress also said that she saw the filmmaker as her first mentor and described how he helped her every step of the way while making the movie. Borse continued by saying that she perfectly followed his directions and that he had excellently presented her.
The actress concluded by saying that she is thrilled by the kind of attention the movie is receiving and that she is appreciative of people accepting her. Bhagyashri Borse, who has acted in important parts in hindi movies such as chandu Champion and Yaariyan 2, is coming to telugu in the ravi teja flick.

With ravi teja in the lead role, Mr. Bachchan is an action-crime drama film, directed by Harish Shankar. This is the duo's third project together, following successful movies such as Shock and Mirapakay. Dramatic and action-packed, the movie tells the story of an Income Tax officer performing a unique raid. The film is an official reimagining of the 2018 ajay devgn film Raid, which was inspired by an actual event involving indian businessman Sardar Inder Singh.

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