According to recent surveys, donald trump is currently trailing Kamala harris, the Democratic nominee for president, in three crucial states: Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. This is not the same as the previous year, when trump was either even with Joe Biden or had a modest lead in these states.
It appeared as though Biden would win the presidential election by a unanimous vote, particularly after Trump's support surged following an attempted assassination. However, the contest has grown more challenging for trump since Biden resigned and Kamala harris emerged as the Democratic contender. According to recent data, Kamala harris leads trump in these states by a margin of 50% to 46%. Even while this lead is small and falls within the pollster's margin of error, it's noteworthy because of how close Biden was to trump before to withdrawing from the contest and endorsing Kamala Harris.

Regarding matters like the economy and immigration, voters continue to trust trump more, but when it comes to abortion, Kamala harris leads by a commanding 24-point margin. Despite Trump's team challenging the veracity of these surveys, Kamala Harris's campaign is gathering steam, particularly in light of the fervor surrounding Biden's resignation and her selection of Minnesota governor Tim Walz as her running mate.

Democratic voters have been inspired by this, which has assisted Kamala harris in closing the support gap with trump, who had gained ground following the Republican convention and the latest threat on his life. Kamla Harris's popularity has increased significantly, particularly in Pennsylvania, where her support has increased by 10 points in the last month. Compared to three months ago, when Republicans were more certain, Democratic supporters are now feeling more happy with their candidates as Kamala harris and Walz continue their campaigning in these crucial states. It's possible that trump is now wishing that Biden had entered the contest rather than Kamala Harris.

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