The news has been dominated by manu Bhaker and Neeraj Chopra ever since they won bronze and silver, respectively, in the 2024 Summer olympics in Paris. After being named national heroes, the two became incredibly popular. Their admirers were so enamored with one other that several even suggested that they should be married. As soon as the couple's marriage became public, news of their union spread widely, and manu and Neeraj's parents eventually responded in kind.

A video of manu and Neeraj having a conversation went viral during the Olympics. Neeraj also spoke with the mother of manu Bahker, who was in paris for the closing ceremony. As soon as the video became viral online, individuals began sending them together. ram Kishan, the father of manu Bhaker, has recently responded to the rumors, saying:

In case you didn't know, manu Bhaker is only 22 years old. Even if she has accomplished a lot in life, it is still far too soon to discuss her marriage. According to Manu's father, Neeraj is regarded by her mother as her son, and she sends him her best wishes.  Neeraj's uncle ruled out a romantic relationship between manu and the javelin thrower in an interview with NDTV. He continued by saying that they would have to wait until Neerja was married before everyone found out. To quote him:

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