On Monday, actress pooja hegde revealed with her 27.2 million instagram followers her "mantra for life," which is "inner peace." She shared an adorable picture of a mouse pad with the words "inner peace" and a panda on it. She captioned the photo with the words "Mantra for life" and an emoji of a yoga lady.
Pooja shared more gorgeous pictures from her most recent shoot on Instagram. She accessorized her look with glam makeup that included thick brows, sculpted cheekbones, and brown lips, a white crop top with long sleeves, and a black skirt that clung to her shape. The ensemble was finished with her emerald green earrings and braided hair. The post was captioned, "When you have a zoom call at 8, but a party at 9."
Following her run-up position in the 2010 'I Am She-Miss Universe India' contest, pooja hegde debuted as an actor in the tamil film 'Mugamoodi.' 2014 saw her appear in her debut telugu movie, "Oka laila Kosam," alongside naga Chaitanya. She wore it with a long, black skirt that hugged her figure. Pooja's makeup is all glam, with heavy brows, contoured cheekbones, brown lips, and a ponytail pulled back. The emerald green earrings completed the ensemble.


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