There hasn't been a single blockbuster hit in bollywood lately, which has made the box office painfully silent. Not a single hindi film performed exceptionally well at the box office following the january release of Fighter. Nevertheless, the lengthy wait is about to end with the release of stree 2, which stars rajkumar rao and Shraddha Kapoor in the key parts. The 2018 movie stree, which did well at the box office, has a sequel. With its advance sales, stree 2 is performing so well at the box office that the movie is expected to debut to the tune of more than Rs 50 crore.
Compared to other recent bollywood blockbusters like Gadar 2, Dunki, Bramhastra, Fighter, and others, the advance sales in theaters are better. The fact that a movie without any superstar value is becoming so popular is a good thing for bollywood, which has recently been struggling greatly.
Analysts claim that a strong trailer and Shraddha's glamorous appearance in the recently released song have helped the movie and contributed to the unusually positive buzz surrounding the sequel. At this rate, stree 2 has the potential to make over Rs 200 crore at the box office, which is much needed for hindi films since it has been extremely difficult to draw people into cinemas.

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