Raj and samantha from the duet "Raj & DK" have collaborated on several projects, including the forthcoming television series "Citadel: Honey Bunny." While filming this series, rumor has it that they became closer. The relationship speculations have been strengthened by the fact that they even shared Samantha's birthday celebration. raj and samantha, nevertheless, have neither refuted or verified these rumors.
Although raj nidimoru is married at the moment, there are reports that he could be thinking about getting a divorce. However, these assertions are unsubstantiated. As samantha has been so transparent about her personal life and the difficulties she has endured following her divorce, fans are keen to hear from samantha and raj on their current relationship state.
Samantha has previously stated that the finest connection a person can have is with themselves and that self-love is really essential. She has also discussed her difficulties since receiving a myositis diagnosis in 2022. Fans are eager to watch what happens next in her personal life while she works on new projects.