An indian lady who just obtained an O1 work visa to the US has given her reasons for moving to the US from Bengaluru, which she believes would benefit her career and personal development. Product designer Viba Mohan gave four reasons for her decision to move to the US for the ensuing several years. Mohan listed culture as her main motivation for her appreciation of the "wild, relentless optimism" seen in the US.

"Everyone’s stoked about the possibilities; if you fail, you just try again! The second is craftsmanship. It’s all about perfecting your craft, and that vibe is contagious" she said in her post on X (formerly Twitter).

The second compelling reason is safety, both in the professional space as well as on the streets.

"It’s a breath of fresh air to work without tiptoeing around a colleague who’s obsessed with you and has zero boundaries. And the freedom to go for a walk or a run without always looking over my shoulder?" she said, adding that living in a safe place not just makes one feel calmer but also more productive.

Mohan also gave her explanation for not pursuing the highly sought-after H-1B visa for highly talented individuals, which is particularly well-liked by indian IT professionals.
"Visa gaming is an awful experience. I was aware that moving here wouldn't need me to sign an H-1B or spend a million on a master's degree. This was considerably simpler when I had the O1 and the freedom that goes with it," she said.

Finally, Mohan drew comparisons between the start-up ecosystems of Bengaluru and San Francisco, asserting that fin-tech and e-commerce dominate the start-up scene in India's IT metropolis.
"Bangalore undoubtedly has some bright brains! However, the tech industry? Fintech, last mile, and e-commerce are frequently discussed; you know, the standard suspects. It's evolving, which is fantastic, but which issues pique my curiosity the most? In SF, they're still being solved," she said.

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