Saudi Crown prince Mohammed bin salman has voiced worries about potential personal dangers while pursuing a significant diplomatic deal with the US and Israel. The normalization of relations between israel and saudi arabia may result from this agreement. The Crown prince reportedly expressed similar concerns in private to US senators, hinting that carrying out such a plot may endanger his life, according to a Politico story.
He brought up the example of Anwar Sadat, the deceased president of egypt in 1981, who had just signed a peace pact with Israel. This analogy emphasizes his concerns about encountering comparable dangers. His worries have increased because of the Gaza War, since Arab discontent with israel is on the rise.

The Crown prince is adamant on carrying out the diplomatic procedure in spite of these dangers. According to the article, he is fully aware of the risks but is still committed to moving the deal forward.  The US is making major promises to the deal, which is still in the works, including economic investments, security assurances, and assistance for a civilian nuclear program. saudi arabia agreed to cultivate connections with israel and restrict its relationships with china in exchange. There have been difficulties, nevertheless, mainly because of Israel's unwillingness to provide the deal with a defined route to a Palestinian state.

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