We must understand:
- What precisely occurred; - Who was involved; - What has come to light thus far
Complete information and the Timeline,

1. On august 8, a 31-year-old female doctor was assigned to her shift. She completed her duty hours as normal, and at two in the morning, she had supper with her juniors. There was no designated space for the physicians to relax, so she fell asleep in the lecture room after supper.

2. The family was contacted early on august 9th by Assistant Superintendent Dwaipayan Biswas, who informed them that their daughter had committed suicide.  The family was not allowed to view the body by the authorities when they arrived at the hospital and were forced to wait outside for three hours.

3. There was no covering on the body when they first spotted it. Her pelvic girdle was also ripped apart because her legs were positioned at a straight angle.  It should be mentioned that the lecture hall, where she had fallen asleep, did not contain her body.  Rather, it was discovered in the room across from it, where the building was taking place.
4. The startling information was further disclosed during the first autopsy:
- Her body contained 150g of semen; the normal guy can only generate 15g.
- The spectacles she was wearing had cracked and got inside her eyes, which is why her eyes were bleeding.
- There were obvious indications of a severe struggle, and her lips were cut.
- On august 9, 2024, sometime between 3-5 AM, she passed away.
- Everything suggested a vicious sexual assault.

5. One primary suspect, Sanjay Roy, has been exposed on CCTV video and has been placed into police detention until august 23.  Civic Assistant Sanjay has acknowledged committing the crime.  There has only been one arrest made.
6. Following the events, the parents expressed their lack of faith in the State police, claiming that the inquiry would be sabotaged and the guilty would escape prosecution.  On august 12, they had a meeting with mamata banerjee, who is also Bengal's minister of health and home Affairs.  Mamata gave state police till august 18th to wrap up the case.  But the court ordered the cbi investigation on august 13.
7. Now, on the evening of august 15, a horde, actually a mob consisting of 7,000 individuals, was dispatched to destroy and ruin every piece of evidence within the institution. Officers failed to stop them or were unable to stop them. No one is aware. since the State police is subordinate to?

8. high court has thrashed mamata banerjee & State police on their public failure to control the state.

The court has also said:

"Hard To believe police Didn't Know..."

Section 144 (which prohibits large public gatherings in notified areas) was in effect at the time.

"... you should have cordoned off the area. "

the cops were told.

It further added:

"This is an absolute failure of state machinery..."

"So they (the police) couldn't protect their own men?

A sorry state of affairs.

How will doctors there work fearlessly?"

"You are taking measures? What are the preventive measures?"

19 people from the mob have been arrested so far.



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