With an incredible start, stree 2, which stars Shraddha Kapoor, rajkummar rao, Aparshakti Khurana, abhishek Banerjee, and Pankaj Tripathi, is creating waves at the box office. On its first day in India, the movie brought in an astounding Rs 60.3 crore net, with a gross revenue of over Rs 76.5 crore. The movie made an additional Rs 30 crore on its second day, for a total net collection of Rs 90.3 crore. stree 2's gross profits have surpassed Rs 100 crore thanks to its strong success, which is a noteworthy accomplishment for a movie of its type.
Given the fierce opposition it faced on its opening day from john Abraham's Vedaa and akshay kumar and Taapsee Pannu's Khel Khel Mein, the movie's success is especially remarkable. In spite of this, stree 2 held its own, partly because of the high level of expectation and the favorable reviews the movie received. According to Sacnilk.com, the movie had a strong 45.31 percent occupancy rate on Friday, august 16, 2024, in Hindi-speaking areas.
In amar Kaushik's stree 2, rajkummar rao and Shraddha Kapoor play their respective parts from the first film. The unsettling story of the sequel is set in Chanderi, which is being plagued by Sarkata, a new terrifying creature. The villagers go to stree for help once more. In addition, there are a number of unexpected appearances in the movie. varun dhawan plays Bhediya, who sings a unique duet with Shraddha Kapoor.

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