Wife of late actor Cho Ramasamy passed away...

Soundaramba Ramaswamy, the wife of the late Cho Ramaswami, who was a versatile actor, politician, journalist, lawyer, and screenwriter, passed away this morning at the age of 84 due to old age. Cho Ramasamy was popularly known for playing comedy roles in the films of leading actors like MGR, Sivaji, gemini Ganesan, etc. in the 1960s and 1970s. He is seen as a great personality among fans with various dimensions such as a political consultant, political satirist, playwright, film director, and lawyer. While his real name was Srinivasa Iyer Ramaswamy, he later shortened his name to Cho Ramaswamy. He married Soundaramba in 1966. He has a son and a daughter with sriram Ramasamy and Sindhuja. Although her father was a multi-talented person, neither daughter nor son wanted to involve themselves in cinema and politics.
'Thuglak' magazine started by Cho Ramasamy is one of the most popular till date. And some of the things he has already predicted about current politics have come true. He predicted that narendra modi in particular would attain the greatest position in india in the future. Similarly, Modi was elected as the prime minister by the people of the country. Similarly, he also said that jayalalithaa will emerge as the biggest personality in tamil Nadu. Similarly, jayalalithaa was elected by the people as a chief minister about five times.

No matter what kind of criticism was hurled at him, Cho responded with political civility. Cho has also been a political advisor to jayalalithaa on several occasions. He was nominated to the rajya sabha by the President of the Republic of india RK Narayanan and served as rajya sabha MP from 1999 to 205. He was also the advisory figure of the Sanguparivar in Chennai. It was his wife Soundharamba who always supported him in doing his every work effectively. The 84-year-old was living in chennai with his children and had been suffering from age-related problems for the past few years. In this case, Soundaramba's family announced the news of his death this morning. Following this, celebrities and many others have expressed their condolences for the death of Soundaramba Ramasamy.

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