Bharat bandh: Nationwide strike-Adivasi-Dalit groups...

Organizations representing Dalits and Adivasis have called for a "Bharat Bandh," or nonviolent strike, on Wednesday in order to emphasize their demands for more participation of marginalized people in the workforce and in the educational system as well as for the safeguarding of their constitutional rights. The request for a Bharat bandh comes amid the issue over lateral entrance for central civil services and the recent ruling by the supreme court about the sub-categorization of quotas for groups known as Scheduled Castes (SCs) and scheduled tribes (STs). A seven-judge panel chaired by Chief Justice of india DY Chandrachud decided on august 1 by a 6:1 majority that states may continue to further subclassify Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in order to provide quotas for further backward castes within these categories.

This is all you need to know:

The National Confederation of Dalit and Adivasi Organizations (NACDAOR) has declared a Bharat bandh. It has objected to the supreme Court's decision, arguing that it tramples on the court's previous decision in the historic Indira Sawhney case, which created the foundation for reservations.

The government is being asked to guarantee social justice and fair representation of these communities in employment and education, according to a list of demands presented by the NACDAOR.

It demanded a new central act be safeguarded from judicial review by the Constitution's Ninth Schedule and urged the administration to oppose the sc ruling. The supreme court has already ruled that a law is not shielded from judicial scrutiny by being listed in the Ninth Schedule.

In order to guarantee their appropriate representation, NACDAOR has also urged the prompt availability of caste-based data on SC/ST/OBC employees in government agencies.


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