Defamed by raising family issue- Pankaj Chaudhary!!!

A letter by the famous rajasthan cadre IPS Pankaj Chaudhary is being discussed on social media, in which he has made several serious allegations against former chief minister Ashok Gehlot. "Well, the government changed, some bureaucrats who were appointed under your direction and benefited from it took the responsibility of removing your frustration, tried to corner me in which another former chief minister played a very good role from behind the scenes. The reason was a special alliance which turned out to be stronger than the bond of Fevicol, which later the common people of the state and the country saw and understood."

"The conspirators were continuously trying. They were getting top political protection. The identified conspirators finally succeeded in getting me out of service illegally by raising a family issue and you and your so-called alliance friend felt relieved." He says that "This dispute went to court Cantt jaipur, then the matter was transferred from jaipur to New Delhi. Justice was done there in two years and the order to take him into service was passed in 2020. Now again your mysterious frustration came to the fore and you appointed a team of big name advocates of the state and 'yes men' of administration and police to ensure that Pankaj Chaudhary should not come into service again."

"For this, you used all your strength in the court, which was seen. Your team made a ridiculous appeal against the decision in delhi High court, the appeal was rejected here too and a severe reprimand was given. The team went to the Hon'ble supreme court in CLP. Here too the SLP was rejected and a final reprimand was given. Your frustration now reached its peak and in a planned manner, contempt of orders of three courts was done, so that he could not return to service." Pankaj Chaudhary wrote that "ultimately contempt was felt and finally you had to give in and you were forced to take me into service and I was given a posting. Everything went well, then your mysterious frustration arose again as to how to conspire again. The new team formed by you started efforts under your guidance and some very fake and absurd charge sheets were issued, which had no legal basis and were just a frustration."

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