How you can get a job in this country?

indian people migrate abroad every year to earn big money. Some choose America for this, some choose canada and Britain. But do you know about a country in Central europe where a currency called Zloty is used. The biggest thing is that one rupee here is equal to about 21 rupees in India. That is, if you earn 10 lakh rupees here, then it will be more than 2 crore rupees in India. Let us tell you today how you can get a job in this country and what you have to do to live there.

Which is that country?

The country located in Central europe, we are talking about, is Poland. The value of one Zloty here is about 21 rupees in India. That is, if you get a job here and your salary is 1 lakh Zloty, then you will get 21 lakh rupees according to indian rupees. If you want to work in poland, then you have to take special care of some things.

For example, you should know Polish language along with English. If you know both english and Polish, then it will be easy for you to get a job there. Apart from this, you should have a skilled base degree. Actually, there is a huge shortage of skilled labor in europe these days, so if you have any skill, then you can easily get a job there on a good salary.

What will have to be done to live there?

If you want to live in poland only for work, then you will need a work visa permit. If you get a job in a big Polish company, then you will easily get this visa. Actually, there is a wing in the companies there which helps foreign employees to get work visa permit.

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