Hyderabad is on alert for Monkeypox..!?

Hyderabad is on alert for Monkeypox. It is known to what extent the Corona epidemic has disrupted the world. Some countries are yet to fully recover from that effect. It is said that another epidemic in the form of Monkeypox (Mpox) will emerge in this context. In this context, the telangana Medical and health Department has been alerted. Yes... In the background of the news that the monkeypox epidemic is going to invade the world... telangana health Department is alerted. As part of this... gandhi and Nallakunta fever hospitals have been prepared. To this extent, special wards have been set up in these two hospitals. In this background, 20 beds have been allotted in Gandhi.
In this, doctors stated that 100 beds have been allocated separately for men and women. In this order, six beds have been made available in the fever hospital. However, doctors say that no cases have been registered till now. The doctors who responded on this occasion suggest that if symptoms appear, they should be taken to the attention of the authorities immediately. It is suggested to go to the hospital as soon as the symptoms appear. At present, there are more cases in Nigeria, Congo, and Cameroon. people coming from there are being told to take precautions.Symptoms of Monkeypox:

Sudden onset of fever.

back pain.


Muscle aches.

Rash on legs, hands, face, itching.


Extreme fatigue.

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