According to news agency Reuters, at least 666 Asian migrants—including Indians, Nepalese, and Vietnamese—have been held up at an airport in Sao Paulo, brazil, waiting to be allowed to enter the nation.
According to Reuters, the undocumented migrants are lodging in substandard conditions and sleeping on the floor at the Sao Paulo international airport in Guarulhos as they wait to enter Brazil.
The Public Defender's office spokeswoman was cited as claiming that the migrants are being housed in a confined location without access to water or food. The official went on to say that blankets are not even available to youngsters.

The official was further reported as stating that two weeks ago, a migrant from ghana passed away and that the health of the migrants at the airport was declining. According to the official, it was unclear if he passed away while being held at the airport or while traveling to the hospital.
Based on the humanitarian ideal of welcoming refugees and not sending them back to their place of origin, the agency asked the authorities to abide with Brazil's legislation.
Notably, according to a report in the news agency The Associated Press, brazil will start placing limitations on the admission of certain Asians who are seeking sanctuary in the nation in an effort to move to the US and canada on Monday.

According to the article, this action would affect Asian migrants who require visas in order to stay in Brazil.
At the international airport in Sao Paulo, the migrants purchase tickets to alternate locations with layovers. But instead of carrying on with their voyage, they return to brazil and apply for asylum.
They use their stay in Sao Paulo as an easy pit break on their way to their chosen North American destinations, the US and Canada.

There will be no changes to Brazil's policy on asylum seekers, according to Jean Uema, the president of the country's refugee committee, who told Reuters that the regulations would only apply to Sao Paulo airport.
It is unclear, meanwhile, if the regulations would apply to migrants already present at the Sao Paulo airport or simply to those who arrive in brazil after the regulations go into effect.

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