What did Muhammad Yunus say on Janmashtami...?

Just a day before krishna Janmashtami, the interim government of bangladesh made a big promise to the minorities of the country. The government assured the minorities that they will not be discriminated against in any way. This statement was given by the head of the interim government of bangladesh, Muhammad Yunus, on Sunday, just a day before Janmashtami. Muhammad Yunus said that his government will ensure that no one is discriminated against on the basis of religion and politics in the country.

The Hindu report states that a national holiday has been declared on Shri krishna Janmashtami in Bangladesh. Just a day before this, Yunus addressed the nation on television and said that our government will not discriminate against anyone for following a different religion or having a different political thinking. We want to include all the citizens of the country as a family. Religious minorities, tribes and marginalized people in the country are equal citizens in the new bangladesh, they will also have equal rights.

Shri krishna Janmashtami being celebrated in Bangladesh

This statement of Mohammad Yunus is considered very important, because after the resignation of Sheikh Hasina in the country, minorities are constantly being targeted by Islamic fundamentalists. The festival of Janmashtami is being celebrated in Hindu temples located in Dhaka, the capital of bangladesh and other cities. A huge procession is taken out in Dhaka every year on Janmashtami. After the fall of Sheikh Hasina's government on august 5, many questions were being raised about Shri krishna Janmashtami in bangladesh this year.

Hope to stop violence against Hindus

Now after the statement of Mohammad Yunus, it is believed that like every year, this year too the festival of Janmashtami will be celebrated in Bangladesh. After Mohammad Yunus' speech, now there is also hope that violence against Hindus will stop. Professor Yunus said that his government will live up to the promise made to the students and the common people. He said that he is preparing to conduct re-elections in the country in a transparent manner. He said that we are not people from the ruling class, we are working here on the demands of the student protesters. When people want us to leave, we will leave.

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