The extraordinary delay of Game Changer, which has been in the works for a very long time, has already left ram Charan's supporters high and dry. Meanwhile, Charan has made public the project he is working on alongside Buchi Babu Sana, which is now in early preproduction. In addition, there is now negative discourse over Buchi Babu's movie. Fans' dissatisfaction stems from Charan's recent statement in an interview that his project starring Buchi Babu will be comedic in nature. At this juncture, the last thing Charan's supporters anticipated was a comedic skit from their idol.

With RRR, Charan achieved the pinnacle of his career in popularity. His next project is a political drama called Game Changer. At this particular moment, Charan's fans had no desire for him to star in a comedy-oriented movie, much less one starring Buchi Babu. Nevertheless, it is too soon for fans to be put off by this small upgrade. 

Since Charan is fully aware of his target audience's pricing ranges, he wouldn't be naïve enough to take on a full-fledged comedy picture at this time. It's possible that he only made a passing reference to the movie's potential humor. It would be foolish to see this as a testimony and start doubting Chraran's decisions. All they can do for the time being is wait and watch.

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