Despite their strong associations with breakfast, three common food types have been advised by a doctor not to be consumed. Since breakfast is the first and maybe most significant meal of the day, you should make sure you get off to a good start. A satisfying breakfast would appear to be a fantastic way to start the day off well since, as they say, you are what you eat.
Keeping that in mind, you ought to be aware of the foods and beverages to stay away from. doctor Dan Sullivan of TikToking has been advising users on what not to eat or drink in the morning. Unfortunately, his three picks might be a bit controversial since they're staples of many a breakfast around the world.
1. Orange Juice
The doctor says orange juice is the first thing to avoid; maybe, he'll understand if I ignore his advice.
Orange juice feels so 'appropriate' and respectable to have with breakfast, but Dr. Sullivan says it 'contains practically all sugar without much or any fiber'.
In particular, he cautioned against consuming orange juice first thing in the morning without first eating anything, since this may result in "a blood sugar spike and a crash shortly thereafter."
All of that information is incredibly useful, but I will still raid the refrigerator every morning in search of some orange juice for breakfast.

2. Cereal

Second on the list is likely to be another surprising entry, it's that staple of so many breakfasts: cereal.

The document on TikTok stated, "Most cereals contain tons of processed and simple carbohydrates."
"Consuming a high amount of carbohydrates without adequate protein or fat is a recipe for blood sugar imbalance."
Again, this tip is incredibly helpful, but it might not be followed because cereals seem like the perfect breakfast food.
3. fruit Smoothie

Third and finally, Dr Sullivan said the other worst thing to have for breakfast was a fruit smoothie.

A bowl of blended fruit sounds like a very healthy way to start the day, but according to the doctor, it "contains no protein and very little fat."
These two items are necessary "for stabilizing energy and improving brain function" in addition to "balancing blood sugar levels."
You may be wondering what you should be eating for breakfast now that it's very obvious what you shouldn't be eating.
The doctor seems to be a huge fan of eggs based on his reactions to people's breakfast recommendations in the comments, although others of his admirers advised enhancing fruit smoothies with protein powder.


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