21-year-old Team india cricketer undergoes minor heart surgery..?

The young batsman, who is expected to play for Team india in the future, has faced a health emergency. A young batsman who is expected to play for Team india in the future has faced a health emergency. Sportsmen are naturally fit. They look fit not only physically but also mentally. The life span of athletes is high due to daily exercise, nutrition high standard of living, etc. But, a young cricketer faced an exceptionally serious health problem. delhi boy yash Dhull captained india in the 2022 World Cup. Dhul, who is now 21 years old, has already made his debut in first-class cricket.
He played 40 innings in 23 matches and scored 1,610 runs. An average of 45. Those who saw these records predicted that the right-handed batsman Dhull would soon play for the indian team. However, Dhull fell exceptionally ill. Dhull is also a member of the India-A team. A camp was organized at the National cricket Academy for the best players at the Under-23 level in June-July. Dhull also qualified for this. However, during the camp, it was discovered that he had a hole in his heart. Surgery was done. He underwent surgery last month. Dhull recovered within 15 days and achieved 80 percent fitness. Now he is playing in the delhi Premier League. He scored 93 runs in five innings for Central delhi Kings. Even if he is not 100 percent fit, he is being played as if 80 percent fitness is enough. Meanwhile, it was learned that Dhull had a hole in his heart at birth. It is noteworthy that it came out after more than 20 years. It is surprising that it has reached such a level without choosing highly competitive cricket. Meanwhile, Dhull is representing his home state delhi Capitals in the indian Premier League (IPL).

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