Yes, a Hindu girl can marry a Muslim boy. However, the marriage can be conducted under various legal frameworks depending on the preferences of the couple:

Personal Law Marriage:

Conversion: If either partner chooses to convert to the other's religion, the marriage can be conducted according to that religion's personal laws. For example, if the Hindu girl converts to islam, the marriage can be performed under Islamic law.
Mixed religion Marriage: If both partners wish to retain their respective religions, they may need to address any religious stipulations through mutual consent, sometimes involving an interfaith ceremony.

Civil marriage under the Special marriage Act, 1954:

This is a legal option for interfaith couples in india who want to marry without converting. The Special marriage Act allows a civil marriage where both individuals retain their religion. The couple must give a notice of intended marriage to the marriage Registrar, and the marriage is solemnized after 30 days if there are no objections.

Social and Familial Considerations:
Family Acceptance: In many cases, family approval and social acceptance play a significant role. Interfaith marriages can sometimes face resistance from families or communities.

Cultural Sensitivity: The couple may need to navigate cultural differences and expectations from both families.

Legal Implications:
Inheritance and Custody: Interfaith marriages under different personal laws may have implications for inheritance, property rights, and child custody, which should be considered and legally clarified.

Each couple's situation is unique, and it may be helpful to seek legal advice or counseling to understand all implications before proceeding with the marriage.

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