When compared to most other states in the nation, the telugu states have continuously been shown to have among of the highest rates of alcohol use. In terms of yearly per capita alcohol spending, telangana and andhra pradesh are in competition with one another.
This tendency is demonstrated by a recent research conducted by the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP), which was based on information from reports from the Consumer Pyramids Household survey (CPHS) and the National Sample survey Office (NSSO). According to the survey, telangana and andhra pradesh had average yearly per capita alcohol expenditures of Rs. 1,623 and Rs. 1,306, respectively. These two states were at the top of the list, with chhattisgarh in third place with Rs. 1,227.

Punjab (Rs. 1,245), rajasthan (Rs. 308), himachal pradesh (Rs. 457), kerala (Rs. 486), odisha (Rs. 1,156), and tamil Nadu (Rs. 330) come next. It's interesting to note that Uttar Pradesh has considerably lower averages, with studies indicating per capita spending of Rs. 49 and Rs. 75. NIPFP claims that certain states are making a lot of money from their high alcohol taxes. It was said that the third-highest source of state revenue comes from alcohol taxes. For example, goa leads the leaderboard with an astounding 771% of income from alcohol taxes, while jharkhand earns the least, at 67%.

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