Former US NSA reveals Pakistan's secrets!!!

Former US National Security Advisor Lieutenant General (Retired) HR McMaster said that there is no doubt that Pakistan's intelligence agency Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) is in cahoots with terrorist groups. McMaster revealed that during the tenure of former President donald trump, the white house had to face opposition from the State Department and the Pentagon over providing security support to Islamabad.

donald trump was strict

Former US National Security Advisor McMaster said that donald trump had ordered to stop all aid to pakistan until it stopped providing safe haven to terrorists. However, despite this, the then Defense minister Jim Mattis was planning to give a military aid package to Islamabad, which included armored vehicles worth more than $ 150 million. McMaster has made these comments in a book titled A war With Ourselves: My Tour of Duty in the trump White House. He said that however, after his intervention, this aid was stopped.

trump had refused to give money to Pakistan

McMaster said, "The then President donald trump had clearly said on several occasions that until pakistan stops helping the terrorist organizations that are killing Afghan, American and coalition army members in Afghanistan, keep the aid to it suspended... We all heard trump say, "I don't want any more money to be given to pakistan now." McMaster wrote, "Pakistan was not changing its attitude. Its government had released Hafiz Saeed, the mastermind of the 2008 mumbai terrorist attacks, on the eve of Mattis' visit, which was nothing less than a humiliation. After this, an incident related to hostages in pakistan revealed the undisputed collusion of Pakistan's intelligence agency with the terrorists."

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