There is a chance for indian women between the ages of 18 and 23 to experience what it's like to be the High Commissioner at the british High Commission in Delhi. The High Commission is hosting an event called "High Commissioner For A Day," which will allow young ladies to spend a day in the shoes of one of the highest ranking diplomats. 

The purpose of the event is to provide these women a chance to demonstrate their power and leadership abilities on a worldwide scale. Participants must post a video to social media and tag the UK High Commission with the hashtag #DayOfTheGirl in order to be eligible for this event.

This event also has a topic, and the competitors are required to make a video answering that specific subject. "How can the UK and india collaborate on technology to benefit future generations?" should be the topic of the video. It is expected that the competition will provide innovative approaches to this problem and further the ongoing efforts. The video must be uploaded by the contestants by september 4th, and it must be longer than one minute. Additionally, a form must be sent in for the tournament. The british High Commission will serve as the jury's source of information.

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