Hyderabad is currently experiencing heavy rainfall, leading to unusual and concerning reports of wildlife intruding into urban areas. One such incident occurred on the night of september 1, when a python was found near an ice factory close to Masjid Ahmed-E-Khatoon in Hasan Nagar, Old City.

The python, measuring several feet in length, was discovered by residents amidst the persistent downpour. Quick action was taken by local snake catcher, Hakeem Meer Shakeel Ali, who arrived at the scene promptly. With expertise and care, ali successfully rescued the python, ensuring it was unharmed. The snake will be released into a suitable forested area, away from human habitation.

This incident highlights an important issue: the increase in wildlife encounters due to extreme weather conditions. Rain and flooding can drive snakes and other animals from their natural habitats into urban areas, seeking shelter or food. As such, it is crucial for residents to stay vigilant and take preventive measures.

Safety Tips:

Secure Your Home: Ensure that all possible entry points, such as gaps in doors, windows, and foundations, are sealed to prevent wildlife from entering your home.

Maintain Cleanliness: Keep your surroundings clean and free from clutter. Snakes and other animals may be attracted to piles of debris or overgrown vegetation.

Be Cautious During Rain: Exercise caution when venturing outdoors during heavy rains, as wet conditions can make it easier for snakes to seek shelter in unexpected places.

Educate Yourself: Familiarize yourself with local wildlife and understand what to do if you encounter a snake. Avoid attempting to handle or remove it yourself.

Contact Professionals: If you find a snake in or around your property, contact a professional snake catcher or wildlife rescue service for safe removal and relocation.

By taking these precautions, residents can help ensure their safety and contribute to the harmonious coexistence of humans and wildlife in these challenging weather conditions.

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