"IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack Story," the newest online series from filmmaker Anubhav Sinha, debuted on Netflix on august 29 and caused controversy not long after. A segment of the social media community has criticized the television series, which is based on the historic hijacking of indian Airlines Flight 814 in december 1999, for reportedly altering the names of two of the hijackers to Hindu ones.
Based on a true story, indian Airlines Flight 814 was hijacked when it was being flown from Tribhuvan international airport in Kathmandu, Nepal, to indira gandhi international airport in Delhi. The aircraft was forced to make many emergency landings before arriving to the Taliban-controlled city of Kandahar, Afghanistan.

The hijackers are identified as Chief, Doctor, Burger, Bhola, and shankar in the series. Several people on social media voiced their annoyance and displeasure about the names Bhola and Shankar, claiming that the director purposefully used Hindu names for the hijackers instead of their real identities.

But what's the truth?

According to a statement by the Union home Ministry on january 6, 2000, the real names of the hijackers were:

• Ibrahim Athar, Bahawalpur
•  shahid Akhtar Sayed, Gulshan Iqbal, Karachi
•  Sunny ahmed Qazi, Defence Area, Karachi
•  Mistri Zahoor Ibrahim, Akhtar Colony, Karachi
•  Shakir, Sukkur City

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