During menstruation, women need to be mindful of certain activities to maintain comfort and well-being. Here are some things to consider avoiding for the better:

Strenuous Exercise: While light exercise can alleviate cramps, intense physical activity might worsen fatigue and discomfort. It’s essential to listen to your body and avoid pushing too hard.

Skipping Meals: Some women may lose their appetite during periods, but skipping meals can lead to dizziness and exacerbate fatigue. Eating balanced, nutritious meals helps maintain energy levels.

Consuming Excess Caffeine and Sugary Foods: While cravings might tempt you, excessive caffeine can increase irritability and sugar can cause energy spikes followed by crashes. Opt for healthier alternatives like fruits and nuts.

Using Scented Feminine Products: Scented tampons or pads can irritate and disrupt the natural pH balance, increasing the risk of infections. It’s better to use unscented products.

Wearing Tight Clothing: Tight clothing can exacerbate bloating and discomfort. Opt for loose, comfortable clothing during your period.

Ignoring Mental Health: Hormonal changes can affect mood. Ignoring these emotional shifts can lead to increased stress or anxiety. Practicing self-care and seeking support if needed is important.

Avoiding these activities can help make the menstrual cycle more manageable and less stressful.

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