Many people believe they are unfortunate in love because they frequently suffer heartbreaks and disappointments. They make an attempt, yet they frequently encounter obstacles and fail to establish long-lasting partnerships. We'll talk about one such actress today who, although been married five times, never settled down.
We are discussing meena Shorey; let's examine her life:

1. Lara Lappa Girl

Before pakistan was separated, Punjab, where the actress in question was born, was a part of the country. She was raised in Lahore. She relocated to mumbai with her elder sister when she wed into a well-known family there. Khurshid Begum was her given name. She was stunning, and Sohrab Modi gave her the screen name meena to help her pursue acting.

2. Early Life
Khurshid Begum was reportedly born into a very low-income household. She has four siblings, the eldest being the second. Despite coming from a family of landowners, they lost all they owned when her father's possessions were taken, leaving them without a source of income.
Her father mistreated his kids and wife regularly due to financial difficulties. He arranged for Wazir Begum, Khurshid's older sister, to wed a prosperous man; following the marriage, Wazir relocated to Mumbai. In an attempt to locate Khurshid a suitable spouse, Wazir then extended an invitation to Khurshid and their mother to visit Mumbai.

3. Moved to Mumbai

One day, Khurshid Begum was brought to the premiere of Sohrab Modi's Sikandar by her brother-in-law and sister. Khurshid Begum was quite attractive, and Sohrab Modi chose to cast her in his movie because of her beauty. He signed her on for the contract and offered her the part of 'Aambi,' the sister of the Taxila king in Sikandar.

4. Struggles
Meena had offers to appear in several movies after Sikandar became popular, such as Humayun from Mehboob Khan and Shalimar from Roup Kumar. She began to receive a lot of offers, and her family's financial status increased.
But all of a sudden, meena received a notification from Sohrab Modi saying that she couldn't sign any more contracts with him since she had already agreed to work on three movies with him. A fine of three lakh rupees was sought in the notification for the contract's violation. meena was shocked to learn that she had only agreed to do one movie, not three.
Meena successfully negotiated a reduction of the penalty amount to thirty thousand rupees with Sohrab Modi and his wife. meena was eventually freed from the contract by Sohrab Modi following the agreement.
 5. Married 5 Times
Meena initially wed Zahur Raja, an actor, producer, and director, while they were both filming *Sikandar*. Actor Al Nasir was her second husband; they divorced in the middle of their 40s; he subsequently wed actress Veena.
Meena was given the screen name meena Shorey by her third husband, Roop K Shorey. Following a vacation to pakistan, they parted ways with meena opting to stay there and Roop going back to India.
Her fourth spouse was Pakistani producer and cinematographer Raza Mir, and her fifth spouse was *Jamalo* co-star Asad Bokhari.
Meena adopted a daughter after having three children, two of them were males from one of her marriages.
6. Death

Meena Shorey had a bright career and early success, but in her latter years, she struggled with money. From 1974 to 1975, she experienced financial difficulties. meena died on february 9, 1989, in Pakistan. None of her five husbands was there when she passed away, and contributions paid for every aspect of her dying ceremonies, including the burial costs.

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