This spy was very 'special' for Vladimir Putin…?

Russia's spy whale Hvaldimir has died, his body has been found near the coast of Norway. In the year 2019, this whale attracted the attention of the world when it was seen with a harness designed for the camera. The length of this whale was 14 feet and its weight was about 2700 pounds. At that time, marks of equipment from St. Petersburg were found on the harness of this whale, after which this whale started being identified on social media as Hvaldimir spy whale. It is said that this whale was part of Russia's program to make animals spies and was very dear to Russian President Putin. However, russia never accepted it as a spy.

There is an interesting story behind the naming of this whale. It is said that it has been named by combining the Norwegian word 'Hval' used for whale and the first part of the Russian President's name 'Vladimir'. Beluga whales usually live in the remote and deep waters of the Arctic Ocean. But Hvaldimir liked to live with humans, it tried to show itself comfortable among humans. In such a situation, experts believe that this whale may have spent most of its life in human captivity, due to which it may have become accustomed to living there.

Where was the white whale living?

Marine Mind, a Norwegian NGO, was responsible for protecting Hvaldimir. The founder of the NGO, Sebastian Strand, said on the death of the whale that this is a heartbreaking incident. It has touched the hearts of thousands of people in Norway. Last year itself, norway had appealed to the citizens of the country to avoid coming in contact with Hvaldimir, who was seen near Oslo. Norway's Fisheries Ministry had warned the country's sailors that this whale could pose a threat to small boats. This white whale lived in the inner Oslofjord in its last days.

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