Another temple attacked in bangladesh, idol broken…?

Attacks on Hindus and temples are still not stopping in Bangladesh. Hindus are being continuously targeted even in the government led by Mohammad Yunus. Now a case of breaking the idol made for durga puja has come to light. This incident happened on the night of 31 august in Sherpur district of Bangladesh. Late at night some miscreants broke the lock of the temple and entered inside. They broke the idol of Mata made of clay. This area is adjacent to the meghalaya border. The general secretary of the temple committee said that the accused also tried to burn the idol by sprinkling petrol, but the fire did not catch. As soon as the information was received, local police and army personnel reached the spot. The miscreants fled from the spot.

No one has been arrested yet

The police reached on the information and investigated, but no one has been arrested yet. The local police said that action will be taken against the miscreants after the investigation. Let us tell you that after the formation of the interim government in bangladesh, such news is continuously coming to the fore. Hindu homes and temples are being continuously targeted, due to which there is an atmosphere of fear among Hindus. After the formation of the new government here, resignations are being forcibly taken from teachers of the minority community. So far 49 such teachers have resigned. Out of these, only 19 have been reinstated. Violence has been taking place in the country since the fall of the Sheikh Hasina government. There have been 205 incidents of attacks on Hindus in 52 districts.

Many victim Hindus want to come to India

The situation on the ground in bangladesh is not as it is told, Hindus are still being tortured there. In the news that came last week, some victims had said that if the indian government does not give them visa, then they are ready to cross the border. Now they do not want to live a suffocated life in Bangladesh. Here atrocities on them are continuously increasing. A Bangladeshi Hindu said, fundamentalist Muslims are still demanding land, property, gold, money and even girls. The situation here is very bad. That is why we have to live in hiding.

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