Due to its high reproductive rate and conversion process, islam is one of the religions with the quickest pace of growth. Their number is expanding quickly, not only in the UK but in other nations as well. islam preaches enmity against other religions and is not a religion of coexistence. Because non-Muslims do not worship Allah and every Muslim has been taught to submit to them, they are kaafir.

It is said that the establishment of a single-family mosque in any nation will ultimately cause that nation to become Islamic, and this process of Islamization proceeds quite quickly. afghanistan used to be mostly a Hindu, Buddhist, and Sikh nation. Muslim rule spreads gradually, turning the nation into an Islamic one.

Because they came here solely to further Islamization rather than for employment, the UK will likewise have a similar issue in the ensuing decades. Their daily activities are limited to the process of Islamization. White people's conversion is currently also being observed. gulf nations are heavily funding mosques around europe in order to further their Islamic agenda.

There are 57 Islamic nations, and many gulf nations have prospered from oil exploration. Nevertheless, people are choosing to migrate to europe and other Western nations instead of these nations because, sneakily, this is a kind of holy war, and Muslims will only choose this path because they are deeply committed to their religion. Even though they may live comfortably in gulf nations, they want the Westernized environment. The fact that young individuals are being sent on purpose is also being observed.

It is an undeniable reality that there are conspiracies involving Islam. Pakistanis are celebrating their Independence Day, in a country that is rapidly failing; the government is working under pressure from the Gulf-based media, which is ordering stars to take action against concerned UK citizens; their population has grown to a sizeable minority community in the UK, where they are receiving all government benefits and working for them. Sharia law is being brought into the UK, denying white people rights in the NHS, and more. For UK citizens, sharia law has already come.

An alarming number of UK individuals are being penalized, having their right to free expression taken away, and the Islamic agenda is being actively promoted everywhere. What more could you ask for? All of this is taking place under Sharia law. You have already lost your nation if your administration is acting on the advice of media outlets headquartered in the gulf, and it won't be long before we see an Islamic flag flown over your official buildings. This has already occurred in all 57 countries, and it will also occur in your country.

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