Last year, Rajinikanth's Jailer became a huge hit thanks in large part to cameos by Mohan Lal, Shiv Rajkumar, and other actors. This pattern appears to be repeated by directors in Rajini's subsequent movies as well, beginning with Vettaiyan and continuing with Coolie. With a cast that keeps getting bigger and bigger, Rajinikanth and director lokesh kanagaraj are working on a new movie called Coolie. Starring in the movie with Rajinikanth is kannada actor Upendra.

Nagarjuna Akkineni recently joined the initiative as well. He is introduced as Simon in the first-look poster, which features him as a dynamic avatar. He's all swagger and flair, with his shiny gold watch and stylish sunglasses. Simon may play a crucial part in Nagarjuna's return. Fans of Akkineni would be overjoyed if lokesh kanagaraj gave him a strong part like to Suriya's or Vijay Sethupathi's in Vikram, even if he would not be the main character.
There's also a chance, though, that it will be as unimpressive as Arjun's portrayal of Herold Das in Leo, which was unable to make an impression of any kind. In spite of the early excitement, lokesh kanagaraj was unable to provide arjun a compelling role in that movie. Hopefully, Nagarjuna's portrayal in Coolie won't have the same misfortune and will honor a senior star hero. Sathyaraj, Soubin Shahir, and shruti haasan are also featured in the movie.


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