Every year, millions of indians leave their country in search of better job prospects and higher education. It is the responsibility of the government to provide an environment and infrastructure that would allow residents to have good opportunities at home in such a setting. The New education Policy (NEP) of 2020 had these objectives among others. The indian government has now accepted the nation's first international university under this approach. In a significant move, the university of Southampton in the UK has announced that it would open a campus in Delhi-NCR.

Even though NEP 2020 was occasionally criticized by educators and the opposition, many also felt that it had certain improvements. students who wish to attend international colleges but are unable to pay for their studies or living expenses can benefit from this latest announcement. It also makes room for the establishment of several additional indian institutions. Will more people choose local rather than international schooling as a result of it?
Given that the minister of education emphasized the NEP's goal of "internationalization at home," the indian government undoubtedly hopes so. This is a big announcement for parents and students who want to provide their kids with the best education possible, even though there is no definite timeframe for the establishment of the university campus.

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