It has been customary to watch IPL games at jio Cinema and ICC-organized matches onDisney+ Hotstar. In particular, fans of cricket would purchase app subscriptions to follow their highly regarded sport. During the tournament seasons, the platform had a massive increase in hikes, and the audience significantly increased the platform. In the modern world, a new way to appreciate cricket has emerged—one that is glued to small screens.
However, the widespread commercialization of sports has raised many issues for Disney+ Hotstar and, in a sense, severed the branch they were sitting on! Recently, the advertisements have become so essential to how matches are conducted that spectators have expressed their annoyance. Although it appears that the sport is being changed to meet the advertisements, this is not the case. Advertisements are only a component of the broadcast and help the platform generate revenue in between. However, the quality of streaming decreases when the primary priority becomes generating revenue.

Disney+ Hotstar also had serious scheduling difficulties as a result of the international cricket Council's decision to move the world cup to the United States. The number of spectators drastically decreased when certain matches were televised as early as six or seven in the morning. These new fields' bowler-friendly surfaces result in average match scores of 100–150, which shortens the duration of the webcast. Disney+ Hotstar and ICC's potential breakup will mostly be attributed to the poor viewing experience.

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