Last weekend, Sripodhaa Sanivaaram, which was released on august 29th, had its theatrical debut alongside Nani. However, casual piracy is one really worrying element that is occurring with this movie. It's shocking to see how many movie snippets are being carelessly posted on social media. An action sequence featuring Jakes Bejoy's BGM, a significant part of the intermission block, is being widely shared on social media. Interestingly, nothing has been done about the interval block pirated clip despite it being on social media for three or four days.

Typically, film teams take aggressive measures to take down illegal social media posts that include stolen or copyrighted content. X is also open to similar content because it is typically removed within hours. However, there hasn't been any coordinated action on this front about the pirated Saripodhaa clips. The videos are still accessible on social media. For obvious reasons, we are unable to post the clips here. Fortunately, some of these videos are gradually getting removed. However, perhaps the squad should take a more aggressive stance.

Despite telugu states' severe rains, natural star Nani's action spectacular Saripodhaa Sanivaaram is shattering records. With the film having already crossed the breakeven point internationally and is anticipated to do so in more areas shortly, this is clearly shaping out to be a commercial smash.

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