Nani's Pan-India Dream Takes a Major Hit at the box office for Saripodhaa Sanivaaram Saripodhaa Sanivaaram, helmed by vivek Athreya and starring nani, had a respectable opening weekend at the box office, taking in almost 60 crore globally in its first four days of release. Trade analysts estimate that it made around 19 crore (2.25 million USD) abroad, compared to about 41 crore in India. 

The movie did quite well in cities, especially in the US and places like Nizam, Karnataka. bollywood insiders claim that the hindi dubbing of Saripodhaa Sanivaaram performed appallingly, earning just over 1 crore in the weekend. nani conducted a lot of in-person promotion for the movie in hindi, but the outcome was unsuccessful.

If Nani's movies keep underperforming in the hindi market, he may have trouble achieving his aim of building a significant pan-Indian following. He is aiming for a breakthrough similar to the unexpected successes of Pushpa, karthikeya 2, and Kantara; however, his previous hindi feature, dasara, and current release, Saripodhaa Sanivaaram, have not been successful. Surprisingly, dasara did better in the North than Saripodhaa Sanivaaram, grossing around 60 lakhs on its opening day, even though it was a failure in Hindi.

Although Hi Nanna (Hindi) has achieved popularity on OTT platforms, he may not be able to accomplish his pan-Indian aspirations with just this. The movie got a mixed reception in Andhra Pradesh, with vizag being the only region where it did really well. The majority of telugu films, including kalki 2898 AD, have not done well in Andhra Pradesh, making it a difficult year for the industry. An uncommon exception who benefited from the sankranti era was Hanuman. Although the government change this year has helped the issue with ticket prices, receipts are still lower than in previous years.

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