If trump becomes president, Elon Musk become more powerful!

In the US presidential election, CEO of giant company tesla and SpaceX, Elon Musk is openly supporting the candidature of former President Donald Trump. Meanwhile, Republican candidate donald trump has also made a big announcement for Elon Musk, the video of which is viral on social media. In this video, trump can be heard saying that after winning the election, he is going to hand over an important responsibility to Elon Musk. In fact, before this, Elon Musk had also announced that he is ready to contribute to the US government if presidential candidate donald trump wins.

What did donald trump announce?

donald trump said that if he wins the US presidential election, a government Efficiency Commission will be formed under the chairmanship of Elon Musk. trump said that Elon Musk has agreed to lead this task force.

Praise for Elon Musk

Republican candidate donald trump praised Elon Musk and said, 'He has always given me full support. Musk is a smart person and he knows what he has to do. If Musk has time, he can lead the government Efficiency Commission very well.

What will be the work of this commission?

donald trump said that the work of the government Efficiency Commission will be to audit the economic and working of the federal government. It was told that the commission will also make recommendations for reforms. Let us tell you that during a recent election rally, trump had said that if he wins the election, he can consider appointing the famous billionaire Musk as a minister in the cabinet or as an advisor to a government department.

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