Chiropractors have recently become a target of trolling on social media platforms, where users mock their profession and practices. The trolling often focuses on skepticism around chiropractic methods, particularly spinal adjustments. Critics argue that chiropractors use "pseudoscientific" approaches to treating pain, with memes and videos highlighting dramatic back-cracking sessions as gimmicky or even dangerous. Some social media users exaggerate chiropractic adjustments, comparing them to wrestling moves, while others share viral videos of seemingly risky or unorthodox techniques, further fueling public skepticism.

A major source of the trolling stems from a lack of understanding or misinformation about chiropractic care. Many people view it as an alternative therapy without scientific backing, despite research showing that it can be beneficial for certain musculoskeletal issues like back pain or neck discomfort. While some trolls focus on the potential risks of spinal manipulation, others mock the seemingly exaggerated relief patients express in viral videos after adjustments.

Despite this, many patients continue to report positive outcomes from chiropractic care, creating a divide between practitioners and skeptics online. The trolling reflects broader discussions about the legitimacy of alternative medicine, as well as the fine line between entertainment and professional healthcare on social media.

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