The famous actor who gave voice to Vijayakanth in GOAT..!?

Vijayakanth's AI was used in the recently released film The Goat starring Vijay. Do you know the famous actor who voiced this character? Directed by venkat Prabhu, the movie GOAT (The Greatest Of All Time) was released with Vijay as the hero. Various tamil film stars have acted along with Vijay in this film. In this, late actor Vijayakanth's AI was used. venkat prabhu is a commercial director in tamil film industry. His first film with Vijay was GOAT. Usually, when it is a Vijay film, there is a lot of expectation among the fans. But, the songs and Vijay's look of this film leave the fans disappointed right from the start. Many watched the film without any expectations as it was the film before Vijay's last film. But, surprising many people, GOAT became a hit.

Vijay played a double role in GOAT. He is paired with Meenakshi Chelatri and Sneha. Jayaram, Laila, Prabhu Deva, Prashanth, Ajmal, and many others have played important roles. Vijayakanth, a famous actor in the tamil film industry and DMDK president, passed away on december 28th due to illness. Many people know that actor Vijay has a lot of respect and respect for him. Subsequently, Vijayakanth's AI was used in the film The GOAT. As a reference for this, Captain Vijayakanth was taken. In this, there was a dialogue scene with Vijayakanth.
Like Vijayakanth's face in GOAT was AI, everyone thought his voice was AI too. But, a famous actor has given a mimicry voice for this. Do you know who that actor is? Manikandan of 'Goodnight' fame. He was initially aired on a popular private television called "Kalakakpovatu Yaru?" He was the assistant director of the program. Later, he participated as a contestant in the same show. Mimicking the voices of many actors is his hobby. After that, he was an assistant writer in a few films. Later he started acting in supporting roles and today he is a popular hero.He is the one who gave voice to Vijayakanth in GOAT. When they heard that voice in the film, many thought it was the old Vijayakanth's voice. But when it was known that Manikandan was behind that voice, many people were left speechless. Everyone knows that when it comes to venkat prabhu film, there are commercial aspects behind them. Similarly, many of GOAT also contain many commercial elements that are enjoyable. Unexpected cameo characters, bouncy songs, and background music add strength to the film. If you want to celebrate a Vijay movie without logic, then you will definitely like this movie.

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