Center on high alert..!? Monkeypox case registered..!?

Monkeypox disturbing African countries. Has it entered India..? It is only declared as a suspected case, it has not been confirmed yet. On the other hand, the central government has issued a high alert to the states. What is going on? Questions arise. The World health Organization has already declared monkeypox as a public health emergency. The central government was alerted after the first suspect of monkeypox came out. It has issued a key advisory to all states and Union Territories exactly as it did during the outbreak of COVID-19. However, it is said that so far not a single case of monkeypox has been confirmed in the country. States should be on high alert. It said that the Center should implement the strategies of the Ministry of Health.
The Center has told the states and UTs that the National Integrated Surveillance Program is aimed at identifying monkey pox clusters. It strongly mentions the testing of those coming from abroad. Monkeypox screening revealed more rapidity. The health department said it is strengthening the network of laboratories under ICMR to test suspected cases. States should focus on clinics that treat skin and STD diseases. The state governments should take steps to create awareness about the disease and its spread, to be vigilant in the case of patients showing symptoms of the disease. In its guidelines, the Center has said that efforts should be made to create unnecessary fear among the people. Monkeypox was first identified in 1958 as the divine machine that discovered the disease. Humans were infected in 1970. However, the impact is greater in African countries. Because they are tropical countries. The effect of monkeypox is especially high in the remote villages of Africa. Even though this is happening, world-class scientists and health departments have neglected it. A massive monkeypox outbreak in 2022 when everyone was focused on COVID-19. Even then, research funding was not started. Monkeypox has two variants, Clade-1 (Congo Basin clade) and Clade-2 (West African clade). Of these, the rapid spread of clade-1 IB is a cause for concern. It is a variant that spreads rapidly due to sexual contact.

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