In Ivory Coast, a deeply troubling and shocking reality persists: the mutilation and trafficking of young girls' genitalia, driven by a sinister market demand for "magic" or traditional practices. Imagine, for a moment, the anguish of a young girl subjected to such an ordeal. Her clitoris, ground down and sold for as much as $170—a sum that represents a month's wages for many—reflects not just a grotesque practice but a profound violation of human dignity.

This macabre transaction is not merely a financial exchange but a chilling indictment of how desperation and ignorance can perpetuate such inhumanity. The price tag on such brutality starkly illustrates the cruel intersection of poverty and exploitation, where the value of a life is measured against the meager earnings of an entire month. As we grapple with the gravity of this issue, it challenges us to confront the dark underbelly of cultural traditions and economic desperation that drive such horrifying practices.

Are we prepared to confront and eradicate these practices that strip away the very essence of human dignity, or will we continue to allow such practices to persist under the guise of tradition and superstition? The choice and the responsibility lie with us all.

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