Hansal Mehta is the director of kareena kapoor Khan's next film, which is being produced by Pen Studios. In the movie The Buckingham Murders, a British-Indian investigator is tasked with cracking a case while also going through a personal grief. Ash Tandon, Keith Allen, and Ranveer Brar are also part of the ensemble cast. However, ever since its trailer was released to the public, internet users have been closely examining this bollywood murder mystery. The creators have now begun to provide extensive explanations on the subject.

Many people on social media noted how much this movie resembled the tv series Mare of the Easttown, which starred Kate Winslet, from the plot to the atmosphere and scenery. Kate Winslet was awarded a Golden Globe for the highly popular show. Fans have been waiting for the producers' reaction ever since this string of accusations began. 

Although kareena kapoor Khan said in an interview that she is a major fan of Kate Winslet and finds inspiration in her, this does not imply that the movie would be an exact replica of the Emmy-nominated series. Hansal Mehta, the filmmaker, has now said that it seems absurd for anyone to draw any conclusions before ever seeing the movie.

Mehta appears to be somewhat correct in that, prior to the film's september 13 release, nothing solid can be written about it. But if things appear so clear, it is impossible to ignore the assertion made by netizens. Enthusiasts are frequently drawn to television with grandiose promises of unsolved murder mysteries. However, many times when we visit theaters, we are duped by producers who only provide a reworked version of highly regarded works. bollywood fans like authenticity, thus the creators should be mindful of that!

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