NASA has given amazing views of the universe?

nasa has recently shared some amazing pictures of the red Spider Nebula, which have forced astronomers and space lovers around the world to think. This nebula is special due to its unique structure and colors. In such a situation, let us know in this article today why this red Spider Nebula is so special and know what is interesting in it.

What is red Spider Nebula?

The red Spider Nebula is a planetary nebula, which is made up of gas and dust coming out of the outer layer of a dying star. This nebula is located about 3,000 light years away from Earth. It is named because of its unique shape, which resembles a giant spider web. Formally known as NGC 6537, it is located in Sagittarius. This particular nebula is interesting because it seems to have two-lobed objects formed by the influence of companion stars or magnetic fields.

The pattern of the lobes in it is S-shaped and their outer surfaces are rough and wavy, not flat. nasa shared its pictures on instagram and wrote, "In this picture of a planetary nebula, orange waves of hot gas look like the curved legs of a black widow spider, which surround a pink glowing core. White points of light are visible in the middle."

What did nasa reveal?

About the red Spider Nebula, space agency nasa said that the nebula is home to one of the hottest stars and the pressure on it drives the gas around it. It creates a shock wave 100 billion km high. These waves look like an arc like a spider's legs in this picture, while the star in the middle looks like the clutches of a black widow spider.

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